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Tiny Structure Gives Big Boost to Solar Power

Princeton researchers have found a simple and economical way to nearly triple the efficiency of organic solar cells, the cheap and flexible plastic devices that many scientists believe could be the future of solar power. The researchers, led by electrical engineer Stephen Chou, were able to increase the efficiency of the solar cells 175 percent…

Sungrazing Comets as Solar Probes

To observe how winds move high in Earth’s atmosphere, scientists sometimes release clouds of barium as tracers to track how the material corkscrews, blows around, and changes composition in response to high altitude winds – but scientists have no similar technique to study the turbulent atmosphere of the sun. So researchers were excited in December…

Reducing Cash Bite of Wind Power

The State of Illinois is facing an important renewable energy deadline in 2025, and Northwestern University’s Harold H. Kung has a piece of advice for Springfield to consider now: Investment Tax Credit. Illinois is obligated to begin increasing its production of electricity from renewable sources, and a significant chunk of that will be wind power.…