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10 August 2018 SEIA QLD Annual Solar Installers Conference

Battery Storage still on trend Join us and WIN a 12v 100ah N70 Lithium Ferro Phosphate Lead Acid replacement battery. (1.3kwh)with USB slot 5 Days to go – 60 CPD points From the CEC Update on battery endorsement to the super capacitors, Lithium Ferro Phosphate batteries  and integrated battery management systems we have got it covered.…

2018 NSW Annual Solar Installers’ Conference

Save the Date: Friday, 13 July 2018 at Rowers on Cooks River (Sydney)  “MATTERS THAT AFFECT YOU” –Hear the LATEST news since Smart Energy Conference A day packed with compliance updates, new products, trendy topics and top presenters. The one day meeting, developed by installers for installers, has plenty of hands-on sessions. Installers’ question time has been incorporated to ensure…

Rooftop Isolators to stay

URGENT The Draft Standards recommend Rooftop Isolators to be continued with improved design and installation practices. If you disagree, please read below and act: SEIA’s aim is to reflect the common view & interests of solar installers. Please read below our intended comment to the Draft Standards: SEIA is an association that represents Australian solar…

2017 QLD Annual Solar Installers’ Meeting

Townsville Yacht Club 11 August 2017 It’s all about batteries this year. CPD points have been applied for. From the CEC Guidelines for Battery Storage to Battery Testing, Safety and Management Systems to the Draft Standards AS5139 we have got it covered. Join us and find out more about Tesla’s Solar Roof Tiles, Powerwall 2…


MELBOURNE CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE 3RD & 4TH MAY 2017 Visit us at Solar 2017, Booth #75 SEIA once again, as the Australian Solar Council’s Conference Partner, has designed and developed the 2 day Professional Development Stream at the Australian Solar Council Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition 2017. Two days packed with up-to-date information covering a…

2017 NSW Annual Solar Installers’ Conference

This event is now SOLD OUT, please join us next year. Mark the Date: 17 March 2017 at Rowers on Cooks River (Sydney)  “Looking into the Future” What will 2017 bring for Solar? Get the latest updates on: Changed and revised standards, ELV or LV Storage options, the RET, its future and the impact of its demise…

2016 Qld Annual Solar Installers’ Meeting

Join us for our second annual solar installers’ conference in tropical Queensland. No Sales Presentations, all sessions practical, hands-on and relevant. A day filled with presentations from industry experts, focussing on key issues that effect installers in today’s marketplace. WHEN:12 August 2016 WHERE: Townsville Motor Boat & Yacht Club, 1 Plume St, TOWNSVILLE COSTS:$50 incl. all…

SEIA Members in the top of the Solar Industry

Meet some of the best SEIA was very well presented with 3 out of 5 potential category wins at the Clean Energy Council Awards night. Excellence in workmanship and quality equipment combined with innovative design catapulted 2 out of 3 SEIA member finalists to the top of the solar industry. Congratulations to the Winners of…

Fight for solar’s future – Save the RET

 It’s crunch time for solar and renewables. Despite more than 80% of Australians being in favour of the Renewable Energy Target, the Federal government is trying to gut or axe it. On their return to Parliament next week, Cabinet ministers are set to decide on the government’s position on the future of solar and renewable…

Meet the deadline or miss out

Save Solar Tasmania urges less haste in implementing solar decision Save Solar Tasmania today welcomed the government’s decision to extend the existing 1:1 feed-in tariff for existing solar PV owners until January 2019. “The extension of the scheme for five years is an acknowledgement of our case for fair treatment of people who invested in…